The First Step Toward Long-Term Health Begins at Glades Medical Group

Primary Care Doctors in Wellington, FL

Do you remember getting sick when you were younger? One day, you wake up, get dressed, and head off to school. You notice that your nose is stuffy. Within a few hours, your throat gets sore, and you start to feel a little off. Before you know it, you've got a full-blown cold. If you were like most children, your parents weren't perfect - but when the sniffles developed into something a little more worrisome, they knew that a trip to the family doctor would be warranted.

As adults, we need primary care doctors in Wellington, FL, too - after all, most of our parents aren't around anymore. We've got to rely on ourselves to keep up with our health and the health of our families.

Primary care refers to regular healthcare services that focus on disease prevention, wellness, and health promotion. Usually, individuals who are in good health do not require frequent visits to a primary care provider. However, with annual physicals and preventative care exams, people can lower their chances of developing chronic or catastrophic health issues. These health issues can be expensive and complicated to treat, requiring hospital care and prolonged recovery, and may even lead to permanent disabilities.

Apart from making healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol, getting regular health screenings is crucial in maintaining good health. Timely and appropriate screening can detect diseases early when treatment is often most effective or lifesaving.

When you need personalized, professional primary care for you and your family, look no further than Glades Medical Group.

Primary Care Doctor Wellington, FL

Why Should You See a Primary Care Medical Doctor?

A primary care doctor can be the main healthcare provider for your everyday health needs. They can offer various preventive care services and be a reliable source of medical assistance. Whether you need flu testing for your child or COVID-19 testing if you think you're sick, a primary care doctor can be your go-to medical person. By having a single point of contact for most of your healthcare needs, you can enjoy the convenience and benefits of a consistent and personalized medical care experience - especially at Glade Medical Group.

 PC Doctor Wellington, FL

Here are just a few of the biggest reasons you should visit a family medicine doctor regularly.

What is preventative care, you might be asking? This type of care comprises all the steps you take to stay healthy and avoid getting sick. In other words, it can help prevent you from contracting diseases, illnesses, and other health maladies. By seeing primary care doctors in Wellington, FL, it's easier to spot and remedy health issues that might be overlooked otherwise.

In fact, according to a study conducted over a period of 10 years, primary care can have a significant impact on life expectancy. The research was led by professionals at Stanford University School of Medicine and Harvard Medical School, who found that individuals with greater access to primary care were likely to live longer.

Important preventative care services to consider include:

  • Yearly Checkups for Kids & Adults
  • Childhood and Adult Vaccines, Boosters, and Flu Shots
  • Screenings for Prostate Cancer in Men
  • Screenings for Cervical Cancer in Women
  • Testing for High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Etc.

Seeing a primary care physician regularly can also help you manage long-term conditions, like diabetes, more effectively and efficiently. How? Recurring checkups help doctors monitor the conditions you're living. If new problems arise with your condition, you'll have the benefit of spotting them early and may be able to avoid serious complications or visits to the hospital.

Preventive care is an essential aspect of maintaining good health and reducing healthcare costs. Many insurance policies often cover preventive care services with no copay. Regular visits to your primary care doctor for physicals, screenings, and immunizations can help prevent costly healthcare expenses later on. However, despite the benefits of preventive care, studies show that Americans are only getting about half of the preventive care they should be receiving. In addition to better health, having a primary care physician can also lead to a 33% reduction in healthcare costs.

To illustrate, your primary care doctor may recommend a diabetes screening starting around the age of 40, depending on your overall health and risk factors. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when blood sugar levels are too high, which can cause damage to blood vessels and organs and lead to other serious health conditions.

A diabetes screening can detect prediabetes or diabetes before symptoms appear, making it easier to manage with lifestyle changes instead of expensive medications. This can also lower the risk of complications that may increase insurance premiums and lead to high out-of-pocket healthcare costs.

Many people do not feel comfortable discussing their healthcare needs and concerns with strangers. That's normal. The first step toward eliminating that discomfort is to find a trustworthy team of primary care doctors in Wellington, FL who can help manage your health. Once you find a family doctor, it's important to schedule regular appointments to discuss any concerns and to monitor your overall health.

According to research conducted by the Journal of Health Affairs, patients who have primary care doctors report higher levels of satisfaction than those who do not. The more frequently you visit your trusted doctor, the stronger the relationship you will have with them, and the better your care will be.

Having a primary care doctor means having a health expert who not only cares for you but also advocates for your overall health. The relationship you build with your primary care doctor can be incredibly valuable in multiple ways. The more your doctor knows about you and understands your health history, the better they can care for you and provide guidance for your long-term health. It can also help you feel more comfortable sharing personal information and asking questions.

When it comes to asking your primary care physician, there are no limits. You can ask anything, and you should never feel embarrassed to do so. Your doctor's job is to help you stay healthy, and they have likely heard similar questions from other patients before.

Another benefit of having a primary care physician is that you won't have to start from scratch every time you see a new doctor. Your primary care physician is already familiar with your health history, so you won't have to explain everything repeatedly at every appointment.

Primary care doctors can help you save time by addressing multiple health needs in a single appointment. They can provide you with a checkup, screening, and necessary immunizations on the same day. You can also take advantage of their extensive knowledge and ask about other health-related questions you have. In some cases, you may be able to receive treatment on the same day without scheduling another appointment.

Services Provided by Glade Medical Group's Primary Care Doctors in Wellington, FL

At Glade Medical Group, our goal is to provide patients with a range of medical services that address common health concerns and help them stay in optimal health. As a primary care group, we strive to offer personalized medical services. When you book an appointment with an internal medicine doctor from our group, you can rest easy knowing your care will be tailored to your body and your needs - not someone who matches your age or weight.

Keep reading to learn more about the most popular services we provide at Glade Medical Group.

Preventative Care

Many people only visit a doctor when they're unwell or require medical treatment for a specific condition. The goal of preventative care is to help you maintain your health year-round. It involves regular checkups to identify potential health issues before they become severe. Preventive care is vital in preventing serious illnesses from developing, but unfortunately, it's not as widely embraced as it should be. A study from 2018 published in Health Affairs found that only 8% of adults aged 35 or older in the US receive the recommended preventive care.

Glade Medical Group provides a number of preventative care services, including Covid shots, flu testing, and vaccines such as:

  • Hypertension
  • Pulmonary Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Pain
  • Neurological Problems
  • Much More

Chronic Disease Management

It's important to prioritize your health, as it affects every aspect of your life. Disease Management can help alleviate the symptoms of existing health conditions and lower the risk of developing new ones by optimizing your overall health. Our team of healthcare professionals are experts in providing comprehensive health assessments and conducting necessary tests to identify any potential health concerns. They'll work with you to develop a plan to address any immediate or ongoing medical issues, while also keeping an eye out for any potential health risks or concerns.

Some of the chronic diseases we help treat include:

  • Hypertension
  • Pulmonary Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Pain
  • Neurological Problems
  • Much More

If you're suffering from a chronic disease that needs to be treated, contact our office today to set up an initial appointment.

Primary Care Doctor Wellington, FL
 Family Doctor Wellington, FL

Same Day Lab Results

Our facility has a CLIA-certified laboratory on-site that offers comprehensive diagnostic services for our patients. In case an insurance provider requires the labs to be sent elsewhere for testing, our lab staff can collect the urine specimens or draw blood and send them to the appropriate lab on the same day. We recently upgraded to new state-of-the-art equipment, which has significantly improved our services. Patients can expect to receive their lab results within one to two days, though some specialized tests may take longer.

Our lab testing includes advanced lipid and mineral testing, as well as other specialized lab work that is drawn in-house and processed at other labs.

Male Health Services

We're living in the 21st century, and if there's one stigma that's been defeated, it's that males undergo significant hormonal changes as they get older. Our family doctors will discuss these changes with you openly and will monitor you for any underlying medical conditions that may affect your life. Factors like physical strength, weight, sexual drive, job stressors, and home life can all impact our health and should be taken into account. Genetic factors are also important to consider from a medical perspective.

Some of the key areas we focus on regarding male health includes:

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Bone Density Treatment
  • Weight Gain
  • Loss of Muscle Mass
  • Insomnia and Fatigue
  • Low Testosterone
  • Prostate Health
  • Much More
 PC Doctor Wellington, FL
Primary Care Doctor Wellington, FL

Female Health

Everyone deserves a health maintenance plan that adapts to their changing needs as they grow and experience life. Teenage and college years have unique patterns and health requirements. Working women and young mothers, who often juggle between work and family responsibilities, are not only concerned about their own health but also about staying healthy for their loved ones. It's important to have a plan that addresses all these needs and helps maintain good health for all stages of life. That's where our female health services come in.

At Glade Medical Group, we prioritize your overall well-being by utilizing advanced medical knowledge and coordinating with other healthcare experts when needed. Some of the most common female health areas we focus on include:

  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Libido Loss
  • Adrenal Health
  • Bone Density Treatment
  • Bladder Control
  • Insomnia
  • Thyroid Testing
  • Perimenopause
  • Menopause

Aging Management

Anti-aging medicine is a proactive and preventative approach that aims to preserve your optimum function and quality of life. We achieve this by conducting thorough consultations, lifestyle assessments, physical examinations, and diagnostic testing, including genetic testing when necessary. This helps us create a personalized and proactive treatment plan designed to combat the degenerative changes that accelerate the aging process.

Anti-aging treatment plans from Glade Medical Group may include the following:

  • Hormone Balancing
  • Exercise as Therapy
  • Nutrition as Therapy
  • Medications as Necessary
  • Lifestyle Tools

Our key treatment services include the HCG Weight Loss Program, BioMeridian Assessment, a review of your Brain Health, and a Cardiology Risk Assessment. We also offer a wide range of supplements that can help slow the aging process.

 Family Doctor Wellington, FL
 PC Doctor Wellington, FL

Annual Physicals

Whether your child is playing sports or you're an adult in need of a thorough checkup, having an annual physical is an important part of keeping up with your health. Glade Medical Group offers physicals for school, sports, camp, college, and other needs. Patients choose our family medical practice for physicals for many reasons, including:

  • No Appointments Needed
  • Open Five days a Week with Extended Hours
  • Our Primary Care Group Maintains Required Wellington, FL Forms
  • Most Health Insurance Accepted
  • Cost-Conscious Private Pay Rates

Compassionate Care and Exceptional Service from Primary Care Doctors in Wellington, FL

Whether you're sick right now or you want to prevent yourself from getting sick in the future, Glade Medical Group's primary care services have you covered. Unlike some primary care providers, we take as much time as needed to get to know you, your family, and the health challenges you're facing. To us, you're much more than a number on a sign-in sheet or a name on an insurance form. You're a human in need of exceptional care - and our goal is to provide you with that care every time you visit.

Contact our office today to make an appointment or to learn more about the benefits of choosing Glade Medical Group as your team of primary care doctors in Wellington, FL.

Using Medicare Coverage for Primary Care from Glade Medical Group

When you first begin to research Medicare, it feels a little bit like you're learning your "ABCs" all over again. Medicare is the government's insurance program for people older than 65. Some individuals are enrolled in Medicare automatically, while others need to actively enroll. This depends on whether they begin receiving retirement or disability benefits from Social Security before they reach the age of 65.

The United States Medicare program receives funding from Social Security and Medicare taxes deducted from your income, as well as from the premiums paid by Medicare beneficiaries and a portion from the federal budget.

Once you become eligible for Medicare and sign up, you can decide whether to receive your Medicare benefits through Original Medicare, the traditional fee-for-service program administered directly by the federal government, or through a Medicare Advantage Plan, which is a type of private insurance provided by companies that have agreements with Medicare.

Types of Medicare Coverage for Primary Care Needs

There's no two ways about it - trying to understand Medicare can be confusing and complex. That's especially true if you're just signing up for the first time. To help you get a better understanding of the program, let's look at a few Medicare options that may cover primary care services from Glade Medical.

Primary Care Doctor Wellington, FL

Doctor and Outpatient Servies: Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B covers visits to the doctor, lab tests, medical equipment, and other outpatient services. If you're still working and have health insurance through your job or your spouse's plan, you may want to wait before signing up for Part B. However, if you don't have other insurance and don't sign up when you first enroll in Medicare, you'll probably have to pay a higher monthly premium for as long as you're in the program.

After you meet your Medicare Part B deductible for the year, Part B generally covers 80% of medically necessary services. You are responsible for a 20% Part B coinsurance for most covered services. Some of the medically necessary services covered by Part B can include:

  • Outpatient Services: Visits to your healthcare provider at Glade Medical Group, services like X-rays and stitches.
  • Durable Medical Equipment: This includes wheelchairs, CPAP machines, canes, and diabetes supplies.
  • Ambulance Services: Trips to the nearest medical facility for medically necessary care.
  • Prescription Drugs: This includes drugs you receive at a clinic or doctor's office, such as injections and infusions. It should be noted that most prescription drugs you take yourself are covered by Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage Plans.

Prescription Drugs: Medicare Part D

This section of Medicare covers some of your prescription drug expenses. You enroll in a Part D plan through a private insurer, which usually involves paying premiums and other out-of-pocket costs, such as fixed copays for each medication or a percentage of the prescription costs. There may also be an annual deductible.

If your combined drug expenses add up to $5,030 in 2024, you will be accountable for 25% of the remaining prescription drug costs for the year.

If the cost of your prescriptions keeps increasing, you might become eligible for catastrophic coverage. For 2024, after you have spent $8,000 on medicines - only what you paid, excluding what your Part D insurance plan paid - you won't have to cover any more out-of-pocket costs for the rest of the year. To check whether your prescriptions are covered by Medicare Part D, visit

Private Insurance Alternative: Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage serves as the private health insurance alternative to the federally operated original Medicare. Consider Advantage as a convenient choice that consolidates different parts of Medicare into a single plan. If you opt for a Medicare Advantage, or MA, plan, you will still need to enroll in parts A and B and pay the Part B premium.

You'll also need to select a Medicare Advantage plan and register with a private insurer. The government mandates these plans to cover everything that Original Medicare covers. Some plans cover services that Original Medicare does not, such as dental and vision care. In recent years, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - the organization that establishes Medicare regulations - has permitted Medicare Advantage plans to include extras like transportation to and from primary care doctors in Wellington, FL.

 Family Doctor Wellington, FL

Medicaid Coverage for Primary Care Needs

Medicare and Medicaid are both government health insurance programs, but they work differently. Medicaid is a program funded by the federal government in partnership with states. It is for people with limited incomes. Depending on the state, Medicaid can be available to people below a certain income level who meet other criteria (e.g., age, disability status, pregnancy) or be available to all people below a certain income level.

When it comes to Medicare, eligibility is not based on income. This means that regardless of income, individuals can qualify for Medicare if they meet the other criteria. It's important to know that some people are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. They are called dual-eligibles. If you have Medicare, you will receive a red, white, and blue Original Medicare card.

If you have Medicare and qualify for full Medicaid coverage, your state will pay for your Medicare Part B premiums and may also cover your share of Medicare costs, such as:

  • Coinsurance, Deductibles, and Copayments
  • Medicare Part A Premiums (Hospital Services)
  • Drugs and Services Not Covered by Medicare

Ready to learn more about Glade Medical Group's primary care services covered by Medicare? We're here to help. Contact our office today for more info or to set up a same-day appointment with one of our primary care doctors in South Florida.

Latest News in Wellington, FL

10-Acre Equestrian Assemblage in Wellington, FL Scheduled for Mar 9 Luxury Auction®

WELLINGTON, Fla., February 29, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Miami-based Platinum Luxury Auctions has announced its tenth luxury auction® offering in the village of Wellington, Florida. On March 9, the veteran luxury real estate auction house will offer ...

WELLINGTON, Fla., February 29, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Miami-based Platinum Luxury Auctions has announced its tenth luxury auction® offering in the village of Wellington, Florida. On March 9, the veteran luxury real estate auction house will offer a pair of 5-acre parcels in a live auction wherein the highest bidder shall prevail regardless of price. The parcels were previously listed for $4.5 million collectively, before the seller retained Platinum to exclusively manage the no-reserve auction sale.

"Since our first Wellington sale in 2013, we’ve consistently delivered a global audience of buyers to the marketplace who are in search of special or unique equestrian properties and horse farms," said Trayor Lesnock, Platinum’s founder and president. "Our March 9 offering is a working horse farm with tremendous upside potential, and it’s located within hacking distance to WEF grounds."

A property’s proximity to the grounds of Wellington’s Winter Equestrian Festival (or "WEF") is a critical component of its value, Lesnock added. The two parcels are within a 15-20-min "hack" – a term used to describe the non-competitive riding of a horse, usually at a gentle pace – of the WEF complex.

The two-parcel assemblage is within the Rustic Ranches subdivision, a small development of 5-to-10-acre ranches and horse farms, along with a handful of residential estates. The community enjoys city water service while being free of the excess restrictions of a homeowners’ association.

The parcels sit side-by-side, east-to-west. The eastern parcel measures approx. 5 acres, and hosts a range of equestrian amenities, including a 150-ft by 250-ft riding arena, 8 paddocks, 2 barns offering 18 total stalls, a round pen, storage sheds, and grooming/wash stalls. There is also a charming cottage with 2 beds and 2 baths.

The western parcel is slightly larger, at 5.26 acres, and it includes a recently renovated residence. The single-story home has 3 beds, 2 baths and a 2-vehicle garage. The roof is new as of 2022, and interiors are spacious and filled with light. Each parcel also has a small pond.

While Lesnock speculated that it’s likely buyers will want to buy both parcels together in order to have a +10-acre assemblage with additional room for development, the parcels could also be sold individually. "It’s common in these types of offerings that we have the bidders specify their purchase preference in advance, so that we may then tailor the auction offering to their given preference." For example, if 10 bidders register for the auction, and 8 of those bidders specify they would only like to buy the eastern parcel - instead of both parcels - the eastern parcel would be offered and sold individually.

Wellington group seeking to oust mayor, council over high-end development on preserve land

A group of Wellington residents are aiming to recall the village’s mayor and a majority of the council members.The push comes after the mayor and three colleagues backed a 600-acre development proposal to build a mixed-use, luxury residential neighborhood and expand equestrian showgrounds on preserved land in Wellington — an equestrian hub in western Palm Beach County.Wellington Lifestyle Partners, a partnership between entrepreneur Mark Bellissimo and developer NEXUS Luxury Collection, are seeking density and land ...

A group of Wellington residents are aiming to recall the village’s mayor and a majority of the council members.

The push comes after the mayor and three colleagues backed a 600-acre development proposal to build a mixed-use, luxury residential neighborhood and expand equestrian showgrounds on preserved land in Wellington — an equestrian hub in western Palm Beach County.

Wellington Lifestyle Partners, a partnership between entrepreneur Mark Bellissimo and developer NEXUS Luxury Collection, are seeking density and land use changes that would remove nearly 100 acres out of the Equestrian Preserve to build the high-end developments "in the heart of Wellington that celebrates the best of South Florida and equestrian sport."

To expand horse sport, about 14 acres will need to be rezoned from residential to equestrian commercial recreation. It would double the size of the Wellington International equestrian showgrounds and expand equestrian facilities.

Developers would have to remove 96 acres from the 9,000-acre equestrian preserve, established in 2002, for the very first time.

Maureen Brennan, chairwoman for the Coalition to Protect Wellington, the group leading the recall effort, told WLRN that residents are outraged by the contentious project because it goes against the village’s comprehensive plan and sets a bad precedent for future development.

"We are asking four of the five council members to be removed from their office because we don't believe that they represent Wellington at large," Brennan told WLRN. "And they're not protecting the identity and the character of this village."

Wellington residents experience low density and less congestion than areas in the eastern part of the county. The area also includes farmettes, larger farms, equestrian venues, show jumping facilities and polo fields.

"I've been an equestrian my entire life, and it doesn't matter if it's 96 or 1 acre, once you take any of it, it all goes," Brennan said. "So it's a domino effect waiting to happen."

Residents are intensifying their efforts as the second and final reading for the projects take place today in Wellington, scheduled for 6 p.m.

READ MORE: Tri-Rail expands to connect thousands of South Florida passengers to downtown Miami

The Wellington village council approved the proposals on first reading in November. Supporting it were Mayor Anne Gerwig, Councilman Michael Drahos, Councilwoman Tanya Siskind and Councilman John McGovern.

Vice Mayor Michael Napoleone dissented. Two council members, however — Drahol and Gerwig — are term-limited, expected to leave their seats in March. Siskind and McGovern terms expire in 2026.

Council members and the developer did not return requests for comment from WLRN.

In a video statement, WLP said it's developing the project in the Wellington area to "maintain its stature as the horse sport capital" and compete with "new competitive locations."

Equestrians for Wellington, an advocacy group, are in favor of the land use change, saying, according to the website, "Equestrian venues are the economic engine of Wellington and the Equestrian Preserve."

The development

The project is divided into The Wellington North, on the northeast corner of South Shore Boulevard and Pierson Road, and The Wellington South, located at the northwest corner of South Shore Boulevard and Lake Worth Road.

The Wellington North in the Equestrian Preserve Area: developers want to build a 96-unit residential project by removing 96 acres and replacing the Equestrian Village, a dressage facility owned by Mark Bellissimo, to develop singe-family homes, townhomes, and residential club community. It would eventually include commercial center shops and restaurants. The Equestrian Village will be relocated to a another site.

The Wellington South is approximately 290 acres. Developers want to build around 107 single-family residential units on the eastern 173 acres and a new showground site in an "area south of the Wellington International showgrounds (114.64 acres)," according to plans submitted to the Village.

The recall effort could take weeks.

Brennan adds that around 30 people from their coalition are working to collect the 2,300 signatures for the first stage of recall efforts, which would be equal to 5% of the village's voting population. And later, they'll need nearly 7,000 signatures from voters, or around 15%, for the recall to get on the ballot.

Wellington Village Council approves development to add new showgrounds, homes from Equestrian Preserve

WELLINGTON, Fla. — New houses and showgrounds will be built in Wellington after two linked proposals received approval from the village council.The proposal removes about 90 acres of land from a 9,000-acre area called the Equestrian Preserve, which is land reserved for people to perform equestrian activities. People, mostly against the proposal, filled countless village meetings against the proposal after it was revealed about 18 months ago.Jill Townsend, who was protesting against the project before the council meeting o...

WELLINGTON, Fla. — New houses and showgrounds will be built in Wellington after two linked proposals received approval from the village council.

The proposal removes about 90 acres of land from a 9,000-acre area called the Equestrian Preserve, which is land reserved for people to perform equestrian activities. People, mostly against the proposal, filled countless village meetings against the proposal after it was revealed about 18 months ago.

Jill Townsend, who was protesting against the project before the council meeting on Wednesday night, said she's concerned the proposal will allow other developers to take more land away from the preserve.

"When they take this first piece of land out of the preserve, other pieces are going to come out either way," she said. "A precedent is set anyway."

Village staff said it doesn't believe this approval will lead to more developers trying to grab land from the preserve. However, a former mayor of Wellington has expressed a similar concern to WPTV in the past.

Property records show Townsend has owned her home in Wellington since 1984. She said she built a barn on the property, which she uses as a business to rent out stalls for horses since she lives near the showground area in town.

"The horse show is the heart and soul of Wellington," Townsend said. "If you didn't have this horse show and protect the lands around it. Wellington would be no different than Boynton [Beach], Royal Palm [Beach] and Palm Beach Gardens."

She said restaurants and other businesses face a similar problem.

The applicant is Wellington Lifestyle Partners, which owns 15 different companies. It is proposing to close the Equestrian Village and build houses with a private golf club, then build a new larger facility along with additional houses.

Douglas McMahon, who is the managing partner and CEO, has consistently argued the change is necessary to keep Wellington competitive with other places also catering to equestrian activities.

"The group that controls Wellington International is actually up for sale, so throughout this process, we've provided a lot of stability to ensure the showgrounds can expand," McMahon said. "Literally double in size acreage and have the ability for Wellington to continue to garner new investment in the showgrounds. So, again all domains can thrive there and it can really be the horse sports capital. That's really critical to everybody."

Eight different companies directly or indirectly have an interest that exceeds 5% in Wellington Lifestyle Partners, according to county records.

According to state documents, Mark Bellissimo was the manager of Wellington Lifestyle Partners until he was removed as a manager in September 2023. Paige Bellissimo-Nunez is listed as an executive vice president for Wellington Lifestyle Partners, according to her LinkedIn.

Lauren Brody, who testified against the project over the months of meetings, has expressed concerns about trusting Bellissimo's ability to deliver a new horse show due to the condition of the current showgrounds. Multiple people expressed similar concerns over the multiple meetings about the topic before and during the latest meeting on Friday night.

Tuny Page, who was part of a group offering $25 million to buy the Equestrian Village, said she was disappointed with the council's decision. She also said she's more passionate about the issue because the supporters of the developer laughed at their offer made on Thursday night.

"I think that the incredibly obvious lack of respect for the work that people on the other side put in and the effort put in," Page said. "I thought was absolutely obnoxious."

Developers said Equestrian Village wasn't up for sale.

The applicant has made various changes to their application to get the project approved. For example, the original proposal contained condominium buildings rather than the single homes approved.

Wellington Lifestyle Partners also promised to donate about 50 acres of land, pay $2 million to build a park, spend $6 million toward traffic improvements, a promise to finish building the new showgrounds before any homes are built among other requirements.

"They gave a lot of accountability to a developer like ourselves," McMahon said. "So, we have to do what we say we do or else we don't get to the opportunity to realize the financial end game that is important to us, which is the residential community."

Maureen Brennan, who organized a failed recall effort against council members voting for the proposal, said she was beyond disappointed with the decision from the Wellington Village Council in a text message.

"Disappointing does not sum up the disservice done to our town last evening when the Village of Wellington Council capitulated to a single person for nothing short of profiteering at the expense of the residents and equestrian community," Brennan said. "The equestrian community is the brand and identity of Wellington and that is now at high risk to continue being the Equestrian Capital of the World."

McMahon said the amount of animosity to get this project approved was more intense than normal projects. He said it was difficult to discuss information because opponents spread incorrect information and made personal attacks.

"They probably start when they can argue the law," McMahon said. "If they can't argue the law, they try to argue facts. If they can't argue the facts, they try to argue opinions and the opinions can be sensational whatever it is to make a case."

Copyright 2024 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Wellington, FL Relies on CivicPlus® for Hurricane Readiness Communications

The Village of Wellington, Florida, has earned its reputation as a premier community in South Florida. Known for its abundant parks, quality schools, attractive neighborhoods, and as the winter equestrian capital of the world, Wellington is home to a population of residents who want to protect and preserve their way of life.“Wellington represents a small piece of Americana in the middle of South Florida,” said Liz Nunez, Wellington Public Information Officer. “It’s a great hometown.”Nunez is respon...

The Village of Wellington, Florida, has earned its reputation as a premier community in South Florida. Known for its abundant parks, quality schools, attractive neighborhoods, and as the winter equestrian capital of the world, Wellington is home to a population of residents who want to protect and preserve their way of life.

“Wellington represents a small piece of Americana in the middle of South Florida,” said Liz Nunez, Wellington Public Information Officer. “It’s a great hometown.”

Nunez is responsible for managing a wide variety of public communications for Wellington, which is the fifth-largest municipality in Palm Beach County, with over 65,000 residents. Her ability to communicate critical news and instructions quickly is particularly crucial during South Florida’s annual Hurricane season. To help keep her citizens informed, Nunez needs effective tools and technology to ensure her critical messages reach as many citizens and staff members as possible. When Wellington realized it needed a more reliable solution, it chose the [CivicPlus Mass Notification System].”

We saw what CivicPlus was able to do for us with our website redesign, so we thought, why not work with CivicPlus on a refresh of our alert system too?

Liz Nunez

Wellington Public Information Officer

Before CivicPlus

Before switching to CivicPlus’ Mass Notification solution, Nunez used the CodeRED Alert System.

“Our previous system was very antiquated,” said Nunez. “It was difficult to use. In an emergency, we needed something that would allow us to get a message out quickly and in a coherent fashion. We also didn’t have control over our list of residents, which made managing our communications very difficult.”

After the Village of Wellington completed a redesign of its website with CivicPlus, Nunez was inspired to transition from CodeRED to CivicPlus.

“We saw what CivicPlus was able to do for us with our website redesign, so we thought, why not work with CivicPlus on a refresh of our alert system too?”

Switching from CodeRED to CivicPlus

Every technology transition requires a thorough strategy. For Nunez, the switch to CivicPlus was comfortingly streamlined.

“The transition was so simple and easy,” said Nunez. “Since we didn’t own our data with our previous software, I worried it would be difficult to, essentially, start over with a new system with no contacts, but [CivicPlus] was able to provide us with a contact list for our community’s residents. It was helpful not to start from scratch.”

In cases such as Wellington’s, where a municipality needs to begin building a resident database, CivicPlus leverages community utility databases, including billing and 911/MSAG lists, and purchased residential lists. With its foundation of new resident contact information, Wellington has been continually adding voluntary subscriptions.

“With [CivicPlus], it’s simple and easy to get residents to subscribe, especially with the text to sign up feature.”

Confident Hurricane and Disaster Preparedness with CivicPlus

To ensure its residents and administrative staff are prepared for hurricane season, the Village of Wellington holds an annual community-wide town hall meeting at the start of the season to provide educational reminders, evacuation instructions, and safety best practices.

“I encourage residents to sign up for alerts from [CivicPlus] to stay informed during hurricane season. Social media is important when communicating information publicly, but we have many residents who are not on social media, especially our seniors. What is valuable to us about [CivicPlus] is that it allows users to choose their communication preferences. Residents can choose text message alerts, messaging through the AlertMe app, or automated phone messages. The phone message functionality has been very well received and appreciated by residents, and particularly our seniors who want to ensure that they receive alerts even if they are in an area without Internet access.”

Wellington put the CivicPlus Mass Notification system to its first crucial test in November 2019 when Hurricane Dorian attacked South Florida.

“Fortunately, we were not directly affected by Hurricane Dorian,” said Nunez. “Disaster preparedness and communications are always our top priorities. We are committed to ensuring our residents feel prepared and ready to weather any storm. We want to always be proactive in our warnings, which is why we rely on [CivicPlus] to help us get people prepared.”

Routine and Internal Staff Communications

Much more than an emergency alert system, CivicPlus’ software includes internal staff collaboration functionality as well, such as conference bridge capabilities and real-time, two-way group messaging. The Village of Wellington is looking to fully leverage the system’s capabilities to help their departments collaborate and communicate effectively in both times of routine resident services and disaster response.

“We’re looking at how our Community Services and Parks and Recreation departments can use [the CivicPlus Mass Notification system],” said Nunez. “After seeing what the tool is doing for us during emergencies and how it’s helping us reach residents, we’re excited to look for ways these departments can use [CivicPlus] to set up unique contact lists and help facilitate day-to-day communications with staff and community volunteers.”

The Village of Wellington’s Human Resources Department is also looking to leverage CivicPlus’ Mass Notification system to communicate with staff during emergency events.

“[CivicPlus] is a wonderful internal communication tool. It could help our HR team during a local disaster to send urgent messages to employees, for example, if staff need to report to work after an event, or not report to work if there are closures or damage to buildings.”

The Need for Reliable Mass Communications in Government

For Nunez, in her critical role as a public communicator, there is extreme value in the software’s ability to issue one-to-many, multiple-channel communications managed from a single interface.

“We live in a world where, unfortunately, it’s not a question of if an emergency will happen, but when. Communities need to prepare, just like we tell our residents to prepare well before the storm. It’s critical to have a system you can rely on that will help you reach as many citizens as possible through as many channels as possible. Every municipality should have such a system.”

For Nunez, she feels confident knowing she has a reliable partner with CivicPlus.

“With CivicPlus…we know they have a long-standing track record of success with municipalities. We knew we could rely on them and trust them because they know what public organizations need, and they know how to deliver.”

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Wellington council moves forward with proposed equestrian development after late-night meeting

WELLINGTON, Fla. — The Wellington council approved a rezoning change Thursday night that would allow developers to build homes on the current equestrian showgrounds and build a new showground facility in the south of the village.The meeting concluded just before 11:30 p.m.The village council made the decision after a group of developers, led by Wellington Lifestyle Partners, offered the village 59 acres of green space land at Thursday night's meeting. The new offer was an increase from the 50 acres originally offered....

WELLINGTON, Fla. — The Wellington council approved a rezoning change Thursday night that would allow developers to build homes on the current equestrian showgrounds and build a new showground facility in the south of the village.

The meeting concluded just before 11:30 p.m.

The village council made the decision after a group of developers, led by Wellington Lifestyle Partners, offered the village 59 acres of green space land at Thursday night's meeting. The new offer was an increase from the 50 acres originally offered.

However, three council members approving the project indicated they needed more information to give the final approval during a different meeting.

Councilman Michael Drahos said he believed the exchange was a good deal because it would guarantee the sport's future in Wellington while gaining land.

"We don't own the land that we’re all here talking about," Drahos said. "It's owned by a private entity."

Wellington Lifestyle Partners, who is the applicant, argued a new facility, a stadium and additional showgrounds are needed to compete with other areas like Ocala. The change would take 96 acres out of the Equestrian Preserve Area, which reserves land for equestrian-related activities.

"The status quo isn't an option," Douglas McMahon, the manager of Wellington Lifestyle Partners, said.

According to state documents, Mark Bellissimo was the manager of Wellington Lifestyle Partners until he was removed as a manager in September 2023.

Paige Bellissimo-Nunez is listed as an executive vice president for Wellington Lifestyle Partners, according to her LinkedIn.

State documents also show Mark Bellissimo owns different companies that are part of the project.

Multiple people against the project criticized both Bellissimo and the complex ownership structure throughout the three days of comments.

Michael J. Napoleone, who is also a council member, said he wasn't comfortable giving the applicant full approval because he didn't understand the ownership structure of the applicant. He also said he had questions about the type of horse show the community would receive if it received approval.

Village staff said the next step is council and the applicant setting up an additional date for a second reading.

Councilwoman Tanya Siskind said she was giving approval on Thursday night because there was no consequence at this time. However, she indicated she wanted to see additional conversation and possible changes.

Those council members asked direct and pointed questions of the applicant for almost three hours on Thursday night.

Councilman John T. McGovern, who asked the most questions, was visibly frustrated with the applicant not giving direct answers various times throughout the night. He also voted to approve the first reading, but said he needed more details to approve the project at the second reading.

"We've gone a long way," McGovern said. "But I believe there's more way to go."

McGovern said he doesn't believe traffic concerns have been addressed by the applicant. He also said he had concerns about the zoning, density and conditions the village put on the applicant to not build homes before certain construction is complete.

"If they're not bulletproof," McGovern said, "I'm a no at second reading."

He also said he believes additional conditions need to be added to the land swap offered by the applicant.

"I don't want land and a tax bill on the residents to build it," McGovern said, 'so, that's gotta get worked out."

Wellington Mayor Anna Gerwig, who publicly expressed her vote after three council members moved the project forward, said the equestrian element makes Wellington unique from other cities.

She is concerned conditions aren't enforceable on the development as they are currently written, but she thinks they could change in future conversations.

No date has been set for a second reading on the project.

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