The First Step Toward Long-Term Health Begins at Glades Medical Group

Primary Care Doctors in Boca Raton, FL

Do you remember getting sick when you were younger? One day, you wake up, get dressed, and head off to school. You notice that your nose is stuffy. Within a few hours, your throat gets sore, and you start to feel a little off. Before you know it, you've got a full-blown cold. If you were like most children, your parents weren't perfect - but when the sniffles developed into something a little more worrisome, they knew that a trip to the family doctor would be warranted.

As adults, we need primary care doctors in Boca Raton, FL, too - after all, most of our parents aren't around anymore. We've got to rely on ourselves to keep up with our health and the health of our families.

Primary care refers to regular healthcare services that focus on disease prevention, wellness, and health promotion. Usually, individuals who are in good health do not require frequent visits to a primary care provider. However, with annual physicals and preventative care exams, people can lower their chances of developing chronic or catastrophic health issues. These health issues can be expensive and complicated to treat, requiring hospital care and prolonged recovery, and may even lead to permanent disabilities.

Apart from making healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol, getting regular health screenings is crucial in maintaining good health. Timely and appropriate screening can detect diseases early when treatment is often most effective or lifesaving.

When you need personalized, professional primary care for you and your family, look no further than Glades Medical Group.

Primary Care Doctor Boca Raton, FL

Why Should You See a Primary Care Medical Doctor?

A primary care doctor can be the main healthcare provider for your everyday health needs. They can offer various preventive care services and be a reliable source of medical assistance. Whether you need flu testing for your child or COVID-19 testing if you think you're sick, a primary care doctor can be your go-to medical person. By having a single point of contact for most of your healthcare needs, you can enjoy the convenience and benefits of a consistent and personalized medical care experience - especially at Glade Medical Group.

 PC Doctor Boca Raton, FL

Here are just a few of the biggest reasons you should visit a family medicine doctor regularly.

What is preventative care, you might be asking? This type of care comprises all the steps you take to stay healthy and avoid getting sick. In other words, it can help prevent you from contracting diseases, illnesses, and other health maladies. By seeing primary care doctors in Boca Raton, FL, it's easier to spot and remedy health issues that might be overlooked otherwise.

In fact, according to a study conducted over a period of 10 years, primary care can have a significant impact on life expectancy. The research was led by professionals at Stanford University School of Medicine and Harvard Medical School, who found that individuals with greater access to primary care were likely to live longer.

Important preventative care services to consider include:

  • Yearly Checkups for Kids & Adults
  • Childhood and Adult Vaccines, Boosters, and Flu Shots
  • Screenings for Prostate Cancer in Men
  • Screenings for Cervical Cancer in Women
  • Testing for High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Etc.

Seeing a primary care physician regularly can also help you manage long-term conditions, like diabetes, more effectively and efficiently. How? Recurring checkups help doctors monitor the conditions you're living. If new problems arise with your condition, you'll have the benefit of spotting them early and may be able to avoid serious complications or visits to the hospital.

Preventive care is an essential aspect of maintaining good health and reducing healthcare costs. Many insurance policies often cover preventive care services with no copay. Regular visits to your primary care doctor for physicals, screenings, and immunizations can help prevent costly healthcare expenses later on. However, despite the benefits of preventive care, studies show that Americans are only getting about half of the preventive care they should be receiving. In addition to better health, having a primary care physician can also lead to a 33% reduction in healthcare costs.

To illustrate, your primary care doctor may recommend a diabetes screening starting around the age of 40, depending on your overall health and risk factors. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when blood sugar levels are too high, which can cause damage to blood vessels and organs and lead to other serious health conditions.

A diabetes screening can detect prediabetes or diabetes before symptoms appear, making it easier to manage with lifestyle changes instead of expensive medications. This can also lower the risk of complications that may increase insurance premiums and lead to high out-of-pocket healthcare costs.

Many people do not feel comfortable discussing their healthcare needs and concerns with strangers. That's normal. The first step toward eliminating that discomfort is to find a trustworthy team of primary care doctors in Boca Raton, FL who can help manage your health. Once you find a family doctor, it's important to schedule regular appointments to discuss any concerns and to monitor your overall health.

According to research conducted by the Journal of Health Affairs, patients who have primary care doctors report higher levels of satisfaction than those who do not. The more frequently you visit your trusted doctor, the stronger the relationship you will have with them, and the better your care will be.

Having a primary care doctor means having a health expert who not only cares for you but also advocates for your overall health. The relationship you build with your primary care doctor can be incredibly valuable in multiple ways. The more your doctor knows about you and understands your health history, the better they can care for you and provide guidance for your long-term health. It can also help you feel more comfortable sharing personal information and asking questions.

When it comes to asking your primary care physician, there are no limits. You can ask anything, and you should never feel embarrassed to do so. Your doctor's job is to help you stay healthy, and they have likely heard similar questions from other patients before.

Another benefit of having a primary care physician is that you won't have to start from scratch every time you see a new doctor. Your primary care physician is already familiar with your health history, so you won't have to explain everything repeatedly at every appointment.

Primary care doctors can help you save time by addressing multiple health needs in a single appointment. They can provide you with a checkup, screening, and necessary immunizations on the same day. You can also take advantage of their extensive knowledge and ask about other health-related questions you have. In some cases, you may be able to receive treatment on the same day without scheduling another appointment.

Services Provided by Glade Medical Group's Primary Care Doctors in Boca Raton, FL

At Glade Medical Group, our goal is to provide patients with a range of medical services that address common health concerns and help them stay in optimal health. As a primary care group, we strive to offer personalized medical services. When you book an appointment with an internal medicine doctor from our group, you can rest easy knowing your care will be tailored to your body and your needs - not someone who matches your age or weight.

Keep reading to learn more about the most popular services we provide at Glade Medical Group.

Preventative Care

Many people only visit a doctor when they're unwell or require medical treatment for a specific condition. The goal of preventative care is to help you maintain your health year-round. It involves regular checkups to identify potential health issues before they become severe. Preventive care is vital in preventing serious illnesses from developing, but unfortunately, it's not as widely embraced as it should be. A study from 2018 published in Health Affairs found that only 8% of adults aged 35 or older in the US receive the recommended preventive care.

Glade Medical Group provides a number of preventative care services, including Covid shots, flu testing, and vaccines such as:

  • Hypertension
  • Pulmonary Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Pain
  • Neurological Problems
  • Much More

Chronic Disease Management

It's important to prioritize your health, as it affects every aspect of your life. Disease Management can help alleviate the symptoms of existing health conditions and lower the risk of developing new ones by optimizing your overall health. Our team of healthcare professionals are experts in providing comprehensive health assessments and conducting necessary tests to identify any potential health concerns. They'll work with you to develop a plan to address any immediate or ongoing medical issues, while also keeping an eye out for any potential health risks or concerns.

Some of the chronic diseases we help treat include:

  • Hypertension
  • Pulmonary Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Pain
  • Neurological Problems
  • Much More

If you're suffering from a chronic disease that needs to be treated, contact our office today to set up an initial appointment.

Primary Care Doctor Boca Raton, FL
 Family Doctor Boca Raton, FL

Same Day Lab Results

Our facility has a CLIA-certified laboratory on-site that offers comprehensive diagnostic services for our patients. In case an insurance provider requires the labs to be sent elsewhere for testing, our lab staff can collect the urine specimens or draw blood and send them to the appropriate lab on the same day. We recently upgraded to new state-of-the-art equipment, which has significantly improved our services. Patients can expect to receive their lab results within one to two days, though some specialized tests may take longer.

Our lab testing includes advanced lipid and mineral testing, as well as other specialized lab work that is drawn in-house and processed at other labs.

Male Health Services

We're living in the 21st century, and if there's one stigma that's been defeated, it's that males undergo significant hormonal changes as they get older. Our family doctors will discuss these changes with you openly and will monitor you for any underlying medical conditions that may affect your life. Factors like physical strength, weight, sexual drive, job stressors, and home life can all impact our health and should be taken into account. Genetic factors are also important to consider from a medical perspective.

Some of the key areas we focus on regarding male health includes:

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Bone Density Treatment
  • Weight Gain
  • Loss of Muscle Mass
  • Insomnia and Fatigue
  • Low Testosterone
  • Prostate Health
  • Much More
 PC Doctor Boca Raton, FL
Primary Care Doctor Boca Raton, FL

Female Health

Everyone deserves a health maintenance plan that adapts to their changing needs as they grow and experience life. Teenage and college years have unique patterns and health requirements. Working women and young mothers, who often juggle between work and family responsibilities, are not only concerned about their own health but also about staying healthy for their loved ones. It's important to have a plan that addresses all these needs and helps maintain good health for all stages of life. That's where our female health services come in.

At Glade Medical Group, we prioritize your overall well-being by utilizing advanced medical knowledge and coordinating with other healthcare experts when needed. Some of the most common female health areas we focus on include:

  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Libido Loss
  • Adrenal Health
  • Bone Density Treatment
  • Bladder Control
  • Insomnia
  • Thyroid Testing
  • Perimenopause
  • Menopause

Aging Management

Anti-aging medicine is a proactive and preventative approach that aims to preserve your optimum function and quality of life. We achieve this by conducting thorough consultations, lifestyle assessments, physical examinations, and diagnostic testing, including genetic testing when necessary. This helps us create a personalized and proactive treatment plan designed to combat the degenerative changes that accelerate the aging process.

Anti-aging treatment plans from Glade Medical Group may include the following:

  • Hormone Balancing
  • Exercise as Therapy
  • Nutrition as Therapy
  • Medications as Necessary
  • Lifestyle Tools

Our key treatment services include the HCG Weight Loss Program, BioMeridian Assessment, a review of your Brain Health, and a Cardiology Risk Assessment. We also offer a wide range of supplements that can help slow the aging process.

 Family Doctor Boca Raton, FL
 PC Doctor Boca Raton, FL

Annual Physicals

Whether your child is playing sports or you're an adult in need of a thorough checkup, having an annual physical is an important part of keeping up with your health. Glade Medical Group offers physicals for school, sports, camp, college, and other needs. Patients choose our family medical practice for physicals for many reasons, including:

  • No Appointments Needed
  • Open Five days a Week with Extended Hours
  • Our Primary Care Group Maintains Required Boca Raton, FL Forms
  • Most Health Insurance Accepted
  • Cost-Conscious Private Pay Rates

Compassionate Care and Exceptional Service from Primary Care Doctors in Boca Raton, FL

Whether you're sick right now or you want to prevent yourself from getting sick in the future, Glade Medical Group's primary care services have you covered. Unlike some primary care providers, we take as much time as needed to get to know you, your family, and the health challenges you're facing. To us, you're much more than a number on a sign-in sheet or a name on an insurance form. You're a human in need of exceptional care - and our goal is to provide you with that care every time you visit.

Contact our office today to make an appointment or to learn more about the benefits of choosing Glade Medical Group as your team of primary care doctors in Boca Raton, FL.

Using Medicare Coverage for Primary Care from Glade Medical Group

When you first begin to research Medicare, it feels a little bit like you're learning your "ABCs" all over again. Medicare is the government's insurance program for people older than 65. Some individuals are enrolled in Medicare automatically, while others need to actively enroll. This depends on whether they begin receiving retirement or disability benefits from Social Security before they reach the age of 65.

The United States Medicare program receives funding from Social Security and Medicare taxes deducted from your income, as well as from the premiums paid by Medicare beneficiaries and a portion from the federal budget.

Once you become eligible for Medicare and sign up, you can decide whether to receive your Medicare benefits through Original Medicare, the traditional fee-for-service program administered directly by the federal government, or through a Medicare Advantage Plan, which is a type of private insurance provided by companies that have agreements with Medicare.

Types of Medicare Coverage for Primary Care Needs

There's no two ways about it - trying to understand Medicare can be confusing and complex. That's especially true if you're just signing up for the first time. To help you get a better understanding of the program, let's look at a few Medicare options that may cover primary care services from Glade Medical.

Primary Care Doctor Boca Raton, FL

Doctor and Outpatient Servies: Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B covers visits to the doctor, lab tests, medical equipment, and other outpatient services. If you're still working and have health insurance through your job or your spouse's plan, you may want to wait before signing up for Part B. However, if you don't have other insurance and don't sign up when you first enroll in Medicare, you'll probably have to pay a higher monthly premium for as long as you're in the program.

After you meet your Medicare Part B deductible for the year, Part B generally covers 80% of medically necessary services. You are responsible for a 20% Part B coinsurance for most covered services. Some of the medically necessary services covered by Part B can include:

  • Outpatient Services: Visits to your healthcare provider at Glade Medical Group, services like X-rays and stitches.
  • Durable Medical Equipment: This includes wheelchairs, CPAP machines, canes, and diabetes supplies.
  • Ambulance Services: Trips to the nearest medical facility for medically necessary care.
  • Prescription Drugs: This includes drugs you receive at a clinic or doctor's office, such as injections and infusions. It should be noted that most prescription drugs you take yourself are covered by Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage Plans.

Prescription Drugs: Medicare Part D

This section of Medicare covers some of your prescription drug expenses. You enroll in a Part D plan through a private insurer, which usually involves paying premiums and other out-of-pocket costs, such as fixed copays for each medication or a percentage of the prescription costs. There may also be an annual deductible.

If your combined drug expenses add up to $5,030 in 2024, you will be accountable for 25% of the remaining prescription drug costs for the year.

If the cost of your prescriptions keeps increasing, you might become eligible for catastrophic coverage. For 2024, after you have spent $8,000 on medicines - only what you paid, excluding what your Part D insurance plan paid - you won't have to cover any more out-of-pocket costs for the rest of the year. To check whether your prescriptions are covered by Medicare Part D, visit

Private Insurance Alternative: Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage serves as the private health insurance alternative to the federally operated original Medicare. Consider Advantage as a convenient choice that consolidates different parts of Medicare into a single plan. If you opt for a Medicare Advantage, or MA, plan, you will still need to enroll in parts A and B and pay the Part B premium.

You'll also need to select a Medicare Advantage plan and register with a private insurer. The government mandates these plans to cover everything that Original Medicare covers. Some plans cover services that Original Medicare does not, such as dental and vision care. In recent years, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - the organization that establishes Medicare regulations - has permitted Medicare Advantage plans to include extras like transportation to and from primary care doctors in Boca Raton, FL.

 Family Doctor Boca Raton, FL

Medicaid Coverage for Primary Care Needs

Medicare and Medicaid are both government health insurance programs, but they work differently. Medicaid is a program funded by the federal government in partnership with states. It is for people with limited incomes. Depending on the state, Medicaid can be available to people below a certain income level who meet other criteria (e.g., age, disability status, pregnancy) or be available to all people below a certain income level.

When it comes to Medicare, eligibility is not based on income. This means that regardless of income, individuals can qualify for Medicare if they meet the other criteria. It's important to know that some people are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. They are called dual-eligibles. If you have Medicare, you will receive a red, white, and blue Original Medicare card.

If you have Medicare and qualify for full Medicaid coverage, your state will pay for your Medicare Part B premiums and may also cover your share of Medicare costs, such as:

  • Coinsurance, Deductibles, and Copayments
  • Medicare Part A Premiums (Hospital Services)
  • Drugs and Services Not Covered by Medicare

Ready to learn more about Glade Medical Group's primary care services covered by Medicare? We're here to help. Contact our office today for more info or to set up a same-day appointment with one of our primary care doctors in South Florida.

Latest News in Boca Raton, FL

Softball Game Recap: West Boca Raton Bulls vs. Olympic Heights Lions

West Boca Raton won against Suncoast last Wednesday with 11 runs and they decided to stick to that run total again on Thursday. The West Boca Raton Bulls walked away with an 11-8 victory over the Olympic Heights Lions. That's two games straight that West Boca Raton has won by exactl...

West Boca Raton won against Suncoast last Wednesday with 11 runs and they decided to stick to that run total again on Thursday. The West Boca Raton Bulls walked away with an 11-8 victory over the Olympic Heights Lions. That's two games straight that West Boca Raton has won by exactly three runs.

Araya Brunner made a big impact no matter where she played. She looked comfortable on the mound, striking out six batters over seven innings while giving up four earned (and four unearned) runs off eight hits. Brunner has been consistent recently: she hasn't given up more than two walks in three consecutive pitching appearances. Brunner was also big at the plate, scoring a run while getting on base in all four of her plate appearances.

In other batting news, Madison Luft was a standout: she went 3-for-5 with four RBI, two doubles, and a stolen base. Gabrielle David was another key contributor, scoring three runs and stealing a base while getting on base in four of her five plate appearances.

On Olympic Heights' side, Lex Gleichenhaus was cooking despite her team's loss, scoring two runs and stealing a base while going 2-for-4.

The win made it two in a row for West Boca Raton and bumps their season record up to 3-8. As for Olympic Heights, they have been struggling recently as they've lost four of their last five contests, which put a noticeable dent in their 3-7 record this season.

West Boca Raton will be playing in front of their home fans against Jupiter at 6:00 p.m. on Monday. As for Olympic Heights, they will head out on the road to take on Palm Beach Central at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday.

Article generated by infoSentience based on data entered on MaxPreps

Baseball Game Recap: Boca Raton Bobcats vs. Dwyer Panthers

Boca Raton was the 5-4 winner over Dwyer when they last played one another back in February of 2021, but their luck changed this time around. The Boca Raton Bobcats fell just short of the Dwyer Panthers by a score of 4-3 on Thursday.Boca Raton saw six different players step up ...

Boca Raton was the 5-4 winner over Dwyer when they last played one another back in February of 2021, but their luck changed this time around. The Boca Raton Bobcats fell just short of the Dwyer Panthers by a score of 4-3 on Thursday.

Boca Raton saw six different players step up and record at least one hit. One of them was Jack DiSalvo, who got on base in all four of his plate appearances with a double. Another player making a difference was Brian Parkinson, who went 2-for-4 with three RBI.

On Dwyer's side, Nick Rovitti spent all seven innings on the mound, and it's clear why: he surrendered three earned runs on eight hits and racked up ten Ks. Rovitti has been nothing but reliable: he hasn't pitched less than five innings in five consecutive pitching appearances.

On the hitting side, the team relied heavily on Jackson Miller, who scored two runs and stole a base while going 3-for-4. The team also got some help courtesy of Bryce Jackson, who went 2-for-3 with a stolen base and an RBI.

Boca Raton has traveled a rocky road recently having lost four of their last five matchups, which put a noticeable dent in their 12-5 record this season. As for Dwyer, their victory was their eighth straight at home dating back to last season, which pushed their record up to 12-4.

Both squads are looking forward to the support of their home crowds in their upcoming games. Boca Raton will take on Park Vista at 6:30 p.m. on Monday. Park Vista's pitching crew has only allowed 2.8 runs per game this season, so Boca Raton's hitters will have their work cut out for them. As for Dwyer, they will be playing at home against Jupiter at 6:30 p.m. on Monday. Jupiter will roll in looking for their fifth straight win, something Dwyer surely won't give up without a fight.

Article generated by infoSentience based on data entered on MaxPreps

FAU announces record-breaking rise in student applications

BOCA RATON, Fla. (CBS12) — Florida Atlantic University (FAU) is breaking records, on Thursday the universe announced it received more applications for the fall than ever before.FAU has received more than 46,000 first-year applications for fall which is an all-time university record.The 27 percent increase compares to the final first-year pool of 36,700 in April 2023. Of the 46,933 applicants, 70 percent are in-state and 30 percent are from out-of-state.“We are thrilled so many prospective students are interes...

BOCA RATON, Fla. (CBS12) — Florida Atlantic University (FAU) is breaking records, on Thursday the universe announced it received more applications for the fall than ever before.

FAU has received more than 46,000 first-year applications for fall which is an all-time university record.

The 27 percent increase compares to the final first-year pool of 36,700 in April 2023. Of the 46,933 applicants, 70 percent are in-state and 30 percent are from out-of-state.

“We are thrilled so many prospective students are interested in attending Florida Atlantic in beautiful Boca Raton, as well as our other campuses in South Florida,” said FAU President Stacy Volnick. “As a first-choice university, we look forward to welcoming the very best and brightest students from our state and across the nation as we continue our upward trajectory.”

The University's Executive Director of undergraduate admissions, Maura Flaschner, says the university is becoming a destination.

“The quality of programs we offer are incredible location, and the access to industry, as well as recreation and fun, is something that I think our students are finding out about," said Maura Flaschner.

The increase comes after FAU has been in the national spotlight for their successful March Madness run bringing in big names like Jimmy Butler to their games. And that spotlight is helping contribute to the increase in interest.

“March Madness was the main reason why I decided to go here," said FAU Freshman Alison May.

The interest is coming from all over Florida, and the U.S.

See also: Three FAU basketball stars looking outside of Boca, but leave the door open to return

On Thursday, several prospective students from out of state were touring campus. All of them are interested in the university for various reasons.

“Marine biology and it's close to the beach, and I want to play soccer somewhere," said prospective student Lauren Marolewski.

“I kind of liked how it's close to the beach, it was flat, and it's all kind of contained. And then I also liked the nursing and exercise science programs," said prospective student Paige Salus.

That increase in applicants is creating a waitlist.

“We have utilized a waitlist to help us manage the number of students that we're admitting and the number of students who will be enrolling at the university so that we can set expectations throughout our community and for our new students," said Flaschner.

Current students are also excited about the news saying it’s great for the future of the owls.

“It's gonna be great to have, you know, a whole bunch of more new people come in, you know, new experiences, you know, new friends to make, and I think it's great for everybody," said FAU Freshman Sayer Boyce.

“I want more people to know about the school because it's like a hidden gem," said FAU Freshman Jake Naclerio.

Because of the increase, the university is encouraging future students to think about applying early so you get an answer sooner, rather than later.

As the student population grows, so does the need for housing.

According to FAU, the university is busting at the seams when it comes to on-campus housing with every unit they offer full.

The increase in interest will mean the university will need more room to house these students.

In a statement to CBS12 News, the university said in part:

“We are in the process of seeking approval to build more university housing. This is a complex permitting and building process, and the earliest this will be completed is the fall of 2026.”

Best watch parties, safe viewing places for April 8 solar eclipse in Palm Beach County

As the total solar eclipse approaches on April 8, 2024, residents of Palm Beach County are gearing up for an unusual viewing experience. Watch parties are being organized across the county, offering enthusiasts a chance to witness this rare event in the company of fellow sky-gazers.Anticipation is building around the country ...

As the total solar eclipse approaches on April 8, 2024, residents of Palm Beach County are gearing up for an unusual viewing experience. Watch parties are being organized across the county, offering enthusiasts a chance to witness this rare event in the company of fellow sky-gazers.

Anticipation is building around the country as viewers prepare for the breathtaking moment when the moon completely obscures the sun, plunging the area into an eerie twilight.

In Palm Beach County, which is more than 1,000 miles from the eastern edge of the April 8 path of totality, about 50% of the sun will be covered by the moon. West Palm Beach will see about half of the sun covered beginning at 1:48 p.m. Maximum coverage will occur at 3:03 p.m.

Community groups, astronomy clubs and science centers are orchestrating events to provide safe viewing opportunities and educational experiences for attendees. Specialized solar-viewing glasses and telescopes equipped with solar filters will be available to ensure that spectators can observe the eclipse safely.

Here are a few notable ones in Palm Beach County and South Florida.

Palm Beach Gardens

This free family event will include viewing glasses, craft projects, snacks, safety information and a presentation about solar eclipses. Guests are encouraged to bring a blanket or chair for viewing. All ages are welcome.

The viewing party is at Mirasol Park, located at 12385 Jog Road in Palm Beach Gardens, from 2 to 3:30 p.m.

West Palm Beach

The Cox Science Center will allow guests to view this partial solar eclipse inside the observatory, which holds South Florida's largest publicly available telescope. The 10-foot refracting telescope with solar filters will allow space enthusiasts to view the eclipse safely without the need of solar glasses. The viewing is included with regular general admission to the Science Center. General admission is $24 for adults; $20 for children 3-12; $22 for seniors (ages 60 and above).

The viewing party is at Cox Science Museum, located at 4801 Dreher Trail North, West Palm Beach, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Boca Raton

Florida Atlantic University’s observatory in Boca Raton will host a 'Sidewalk Astronomy Event' on the university's East Lawn next to the building from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. At the event, the school will distribute safe eclipse viewing glasses and provide a demonstration on how to use them safely. They will also have models that discuss eclipses, as well as telescopes set up to safely observe the celestial passage.

Other eclipse watch parties and viewing locations in South Florida

What time is the eclipse in West Palm Beach?

For the West Palm Beach area, the eclipse will begin on April 8 at about 1:48 p.m., hit maximum visibility at around 3:03 p.m. and end at around 4:15 p.m.

At the time of maximum visibility in West Palm Beach, around 49% of the sun will be covered by the moon.

What time is the eclipse? How long will it last? What will it look like?

Diamond Walker is a journalist at The Palm Beach Post, part of the USA TODAY Florida Network. You can reach her at [email protected]. Help support our journalism. Subscribe today

Thumbs up for GL Homes' 322-unit townhouse project west of Boca Raton

The site straddles both side of Lyons Road. The west side has already been cleared for Lotus Edge, a high-end development. GL Homes recently received approval for townhomes on the east side.On the site of what was once one of the most productive agriculture operations in Palm Beach County, a 322-townhome project will be built across the street from Olympic Heights High School west of Boca Raton....

The site straddles both side of Lyons Road. The west side has already been cleared for Lotus Edge, a high-end development. GL Homes recently received approval for townhomes on the east side.

On the site of what was once one of the most productive agriculture operations in Palm Beach County, a 322-townhome project will be built across the street from Olympic Heights High School west of Boca Raton.

GL Homes bought the 330-acre tract in 2021 for $215 million. The site, home of the former Johns Farm, straddles both sides of Lyons Road.

County commissioners, over the objections of Mayor Maria Sachs, approved the project.

A year ago, the homebuilder received approval to build a large, high-end development on the west side of the highway as part of its Johns PUD development. The latest approval received in late January was for the 70-acre parcel on the east side where townhomes will be built. It is the last undeveloped Lyons Road parcel between Yamato and Glades Road.

The Johns PUD will consist of 987 housing units; 660 single-family homes on the west side of Lyons Road and 327 townhomes on the east side.

GL Homes has also bought two other farming parcels in recent years for residential developments — the Whitworth Farm west of Boynton Beach and the Mecca Farm west of Delray Beach. The three purchases represent a loss of nearly 1,000 acres of farmland.

Sachs called on the commission to deny the most recent GL Homes' rezoning request for the townhome project until the county did an independent traffic study, noting that traffic congestion in the region is already unbearable at times.

More:GL Homes sues Valencia Sound HOA over $3,900 capital contribution fees for unsold homes

“Taking a pause won’t hurt anyone,” she said, noting that the traffic impact on the high school and surrounding developments need to be considered. GL Homes’ attorney Cliff Hertz, however, argued that county staff acknowledged the project met all legal requirements.

"There is no justification for a denial," he said.

The townhomes are expected to be completed by 2028. The site for Lotus Edge, the high-end development on the west side of Lyons Road, has already been cleared to make way for homes with a starting price of $1.4 million. GL Homes has yet to name the townhouse project or release prices but they are expected to be much lower than the homes at Lotus Edge.

Sachs and Commissioner Sara Baxter voted against approval; Mack Bernard, Marci Woodward, Michael Barnett and Maria Marino voted to allow the project to move forward.

Developer must comply with Palm Beach County-imposed conditions

There will be an impact on area schools — Sunset Park Elementary School, Eagles Landing Middle School and Olympic Heights Community High School, all of which are over capacity. The school board has asked that GL Homes contribute $1.6 million to defray costs.

Conditions imposed by Palm Beach County planners on GL Homes include:

∎ 43 workforce housing units (to be built offsite)

∎ An 18-foot compatibility buffer with a 6-foot-wall on the northern part of the pod

∎ A 25-foot buffer along the east property line to lessen impacts on new homes built at Boca Raton Golf Course

∎ Landscaping within the median of Lyons Road

∎ A partial signal installation

Mike Diamond is a journalist at The Palm Beach Post, part of the USA TODAY Florida Network. He covers Palm Beach County government and transportation. You can reach him at [email protected]. Help support local journalism. Subscribe today.

Brush fires in Boca Raton and west of Wellington are turning skies smoky. What's going on?

Two unrelated outdoor fires are causing concern for homeowners and drivers. Here's what we know.BOCA RATON — A pair of unrelated outdoor fires in Boca Raton and west of Wellington are sending plumes of smoke skyward.No injuries have been reported in direct connection with either of the fires, but homeowners and drivers have experienced clouds of smoke as far away as Interstate 95 and Delray Beach.The first of the fires began far west of suburban Wellington on Thursday afternoon on Connors Highway. ...

Two unrelated outdoor fires are causing concern for homeowners and drivers. Here's what we know.

BOCA RATON — A pair of unrelated outdoor fires in Boca Raton and west of Wellington are sending plumes of smoke skyward.

No injuries have been reported in direct connection with either of the fires, but homeowners and drivers have experienced clouds of smoke as far away as Interstate 95 and Delray Beach.

The first of the fires began far west of suburban Wellington on Thursday afternoon on Connors Highway. More than 20 acres of mulch being stored at a mulch facility started on fire and began to produce clouds of smoke. Palm Beach County Fire Rescue reported that the fire was contained as of Friday morning, but that it continued to burn.

The second of the fires began overnight Thursday in the Yamato Scrub Natural Area in Boca Raton, according to Boca Raton Fire Rescue. The brush fire grew to 10 acres on Friday and has been difficult for crews to put out because of the amount of brush and dry vegetation in the natural area.

Both fires have closed nearby roads due to poor visibility. Neither fire appeared to be extinguished as of Saturday afternoon. Gusty winds and little rain have worsened conditions at both of the fire sites.

Here's what to know about each fire:

Brush fire in Boca Raton was contained before it reignited

A person taking a morning walk on the El Rio trail Thursday morning first reported the brush fire at the Yamato Scrub Natural Area to Boca Raton Fire Rescue, according to the agency.

Nearly 50 firefighters faced a challenge when they arrived to the site behind the Costco wholesale store where the fire was burning: The sheer amount of dry plants and brush in the natural area were feeding into the fire.

Crews closed down nearby roads and contained the fire after more than two hours, according to Boca fire rescue.

But later that evening, the fire reignited and fire crews returned. The on-again-off-again brush fire has not caused any injuries, but fire rescue is calling the fire "dynamic" and reminded residents it's likely to change throughout the weekend.

On Friday, Boca Fire, Delray Beach Fire Rescue, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue and the state Forestry Department were using drones to locate hot spots in the fire area and do controlled burns of other areas to eliminate new "fuel" for the fire.

Boca fire-rescue officials encouraged residents to avoid the area in a social media post Friday evening.

Fire at mulch facility west of Wellington now contained, but will continue to smolder

The fire burning west of Wellington has forced road closures near the Hatton and Connors highways, according to Palm Beach County Fire Rescue.

There are no buildings at risk of fire damage, and fire rescue had more than 20 firetrucks and units committed to fighting the blaze earlier in the week.

On Friday, fire rescue announced the fire had been contained and that all roads were reopened. But the mulch's low moisture content was likely to keep causing problems.

"We expect these mulch piles to smolder and produce smoke over the upcoming days," a fire rescue spokesperson said in a written statement. "As long as there are fire breaks and no wind-driven embers to move beyond them, the piles will smolder in place."

"Just as in past mulch fires, the smoke levels may increase during the heat of the day and slow down as the evening progresses," according to fire rescue.

Fire rescue, local landowners and the state department of forestry plan to continue monitoring the fire.

Katherine Kokal is a journalist covering education at The Palm Beach Post. You can reach her at [email protected]. Help support our work, subscribe today!

FAU receives 'significant gift' to create Holocaust museum in Boca Raton

BOCA RATON, Fla. — Florida Atlantic University is planning to begin construction this summer on a Holocaust museum after receiving a "significant gift" from Craig and Barbara WeinerThe university is planning to build a 2,000-square-foot museum within the Kurt and Marilyn Wallach Holocaust and Jewish Studies Building in the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters on the Boca Raton campus. It will be called Craig and Barbara Weiner Holocaust Museum of South Florida at FAU.The ...

BOCA RATON, Fla. — Florida Atlantic University is planning to begin construction this summer on a Holocaust museum after receiving a "significant gift" from Craig and Barbara Weiner

The university is planning to build a 2,000-square-foot museum within the Kurt and Marilyn Wallach Holocaust and Jewish Studies Building in the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters on the Boca Raton campus. It will be called Craig and Barbara Weiner Holocaust Museum of South Florida at FAU.

The news release didn't include the donation amount.

The gift includes funding for the interior of the museum, including display cases and donated authentic artifacts from the Holocaust.

The historical artifacts will be displayed "narratives that teach not only the history of the Holocaust but represent the emotional stories of the unthinkable cruelty inflicted on the victims," according to a release from FAU Foundation.

Displays will include the tools used for a eugenics study in a Nazi-run laboratory and a man’s concentration camp uniform in summer fabric from Sachsenhausen, "reminding visitors of how vulnerable the prisoners were to the weather each winter."

"The museum will be a legacy to the Weiners’ tireless work in educating future generations about the importance of standing up against all forms of hate, prejudice and bigotry through Holocaust education," Michael Horswell, Ph.D., dean of the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, said. “The museum will also be a distinctive addition to the Wallach building’s prominence as an educational and cultural destination.”

The Weiners previously established The Craig and Barbara Weiner Holocaust Museum at Nova Southeastern University in Davie with a collection of more than 200 artifacts.

Craig and Barbara Weiner were named Social Justice Change Makers by the Anti-Defamation League of Florida in May 2021. They were also awarded the 2022 Southeastern United States Leadership Award by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

"Barbara and I are 100 percent steadfastly committed to teaching as many young people as possible about the dangers of hate, prejudice and bigotry,” Craig Weiner said in the news release. “This is our way of giving back to this amazing country. Our aim is to enhance and expand Holocaust education as much and as far as we are able to do as a family."

FAU plans to hire a museum director to oversee the museum, conduct tours, and develop Holocaust education programs for middle and high school students.

For more information or to donate to the Kurt and Marilyn Wallach Jewish Studies Building, or to the museum, contact Laurie Carney at [email protected] or visit Wallach Building | Florida Atlantic University.

In November, WPTV reported a local Jewish organization, Herut Florida, was seeking a location for a Holocaust museum in West Palm Beach.

South Florida had an estimated 470,00 year-round Jewish residents and 56,000 season residents, according to the Encyclopedia of South Jewish Communities in 2018. The region includes Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties.

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Softball Recap: Boca Raton Christian wins going away against Oasis Christian

In what's become a running theme this season, Boca Raton Christian gave their fans yet another huge victory on Saturday. They blew past the Oasis Christian Lions 24-8. The win made it back-to-back victories for Boca Raton Christian....

In what's become a running theme this season, Boca Raton Christian gave their fans yet another huge victory on Saturday. They blew past the Oasis Christian Lions 24-8. The win made it back-to-back victories for Boca Raton Christian.

Julia Siegel made a splash no matter where she played. She struck out six batters over 2.1 innings while giving up just one earned run but no hits (and only one walk). Siegel has been consistent recently: she hasn't tossed less than five strikeouts in three consecutive pitching appearances. Siegel was even better at the plate, getting on base in all four of her plate appearances with six RBI, four runs, and two triples.

In other batting news, Boca Raton Christian got a massive performance out of Alexandria Kersbergen, who scored four runs while getting on base in all four of her plate appearances. Another player making a difference was Caroline Beall, who got no hits from her three at bats.

On Oasis Christian's side, Amber Whittington was cooking despite her team's loss, scoring two runs and stealing four bases while getting on base in all three of her plate appearances.

Boca Raton Christian is on a roll lately: they've won three of their last four matchups, which provided a massive bump to their 4-4 record this season. As for Oasis Christian, their defeat dropped their record down to 1-11.

Boca Raton Christian will be staying on the road on Tuesday to face off against Pine Crest at 5:00 p.m. Pine Crest is coming into the game with five straight losses at home, meaning Boca Raton Christian will have to defend against a squad hungry for a win. Oasis Christian will take on Santa Fe Catholic at 6:00 p.m. on Monday.

Article generated by infoSentience based on data entered on MaxPreps

Softball Game Recap: Oasis Christian Lions vs. Boca Raton Christian Blazers

After flying high against Lighthouse Private Christian Academy on Friday, Oasis Christian came back down to earth. The Oasis Christian Lions wound up on the wrong side of a tough 24-8 walloping at the hands of the Boca Raton Christian Blazers on Saturday....

After flying high against Lighthouse Private Christian Academy on Friday, Oasis Christian came back down to earth. The Oasis Christian Lions wound up on the wrong side of a tough 24-8 walloping at the hands of the Boca Raton Christian Blazers on Saturday.

Amber Whittington made the most of her time at bat despite the final result and scored two runs and stole four bases while getting on base in all three of her plate appearances.

On Boca Raton Christian's side, Julia Siegel made a splash while hitting and pitching. On the mound, she struck out six batters over 2.1 innings while giving up just one earned run but no hits (and only one walk). Siegel has been nothing but reliable: she hasn't tossed less than five strikeouts in three consecutive pitching appearances. Siegel was also stellar in the batter's box, getting on base in all four of her plate appearances with six RBI, four runs, and two triples.

In other batting news, Alexandria Kersbergen was a standout: she scored four runs while getting on base in all four of her plate appearances. Caroline Beall was another key contributor, getting no hits from her three at bats.

Oasis Christian's loss dropped their record down to 1-11. As for Boca Raton Christian, the victory got them back to even at 4-4.

Oasis Christian will be playing in front of their home fans against Santa Fe Catholic at 6:00 p.m. on Monday. Santa Fe Catholic is coming into the match with six straight defeats on the road, meaning Oasis Christian will have to defend against a team hungry for a win. As for Boca Raton Christian, they will square off against Pine Crest at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday. Boca Raton Christian is facing Pine Crest at the right time seeing as Pine Crest is stuck on a five-game losing streak.

Article generated by infoSentience based on data entered on MaxPreps

9 Reasons to Visit Boca Raton in April 2024

Nestled amidst the vibrant Gold Coast of Florida, Boca Raton is a coastal paradise brimming with allure. Its rich history dates back to the 1920s, when Addison Mizner transformed the area into an exclusive retreat for the wealthy and elite. Today, Boca Raton remains a sophisticated destination, offering an eclectic blend of coastal charm, cultural attractions, and year-round sunshine.Unveiling the Delights of Boca Raton in AprilApril in Boca Raton is a symphony of colors and experiences. The weather is at its peak, with warm ...

Nestled amidst the vibrant Gold Coast of Florida, Boca Raton is a coastal paradise brimming with allure. Its rich history dates back to the 1920s, when Addison Mizner transformed the area into an exclusive retreat for the wealthy and elite. Today, Boca Raton remains a sophisticated destination, offering an eclectic blend of coastal charm, cultural attractions, and year-round sunshine.

Unveiling the Delights of Boca Raton in April

April in Boca Raton is a symphony of colors and experiences. The weather is at its peak, with warm days and balmy evenings, creating the perfect backdrop for outdoor activities. The city comes alive with vibrant festivals, enticing art exhibitions, and world-class sporting events, making it an ideal time to explore the diverse offerings of Boca Raton.

1. Boca Raton Concours d’Elegance

The legendary Boca Raton Concours d’Elegance, held annually in April, is a spectacle that captivates car enthusiasts and art aficionados alike. This prestigious event showcases over 200 of the world’s rarest and most magnificent automobiles, from classic vintage cars to sleek modern marvels. Immerse yourself in automotive history, admire the exquisite craftsmanship, and witness the elegance that defines this unparalleled gathering.

2. Savor the Arts at the Boca Museum of Art

The Boca Museum of Art is a vibrant cultural hub that presents a diverse array of exhibitions throughout the year. In April, the museum unveils its latest masterpieces, featuring works from renowned artists and emerging talents. Explore the galleries, marvel at the interplay of colors and textures, and engage in thought-provoking discussions about the world of contemporary art.

3. Embrace Nature at Gumbo Limbo Nature Center

Gumbo Limbo Nature Center is a sanctuary for wildlife and nature enthusiasts. Stroll along the boardwalks, surrounded by lush greenery and the tranquil sounds of the ocean. Observe native plants, encounter playful sea turtles, and learn about the delicate ecosystem that thrives within this coastal oasis.

4. Tee Off at the Boca Raton Resort & Club

For golf enthusiasts, Boca Raton is a paradise. The Boca Raton Resort & Club boasts two championship golf courses designed by renowned architects Robert Trent Jones Sr. and Rees Jones. Challenge yourself on the undulating fairways, admire the stunning views, and experience the thrill of a well-executed swing.

5. Dive into the Blue at Red Reef Park

Red Reef Park is a haven for divers and snorkelers. Its vibrant coral reefs teem with marine life, creating an underwater wonderland just off the coast of Boca Raton. Explore the depths, encounter playful fish, and discover the wonders hidden beneath the waves.

6. Pamper Yourself at the Boca Raton Resort & Spa

The Boca Raton Resort & Spa offers a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation. Indulge in luxurious treatments at the spa, soothe your body in the mineral spring pools, and unwind amidst the tranquil gardens. Immerse yourself in a world of pampering and emerge feeling refreshed and revitalized.

7. Delight in the Culinary Delights of Boca Raton

Boca Raton is a culinary paradise that tantalizes taste buds with a diverse selection of restaurants. From award-winning steakhouses to authentic Italian trattorias, there’s something to satisfy every palate. Explore the vibrant culinary scene, dine under the stars, and indulge in the flavors that define this coastal haven.

8. Discover the Coastal Charm of Mizner Park

Mizner Park is a vibrant cultural hub that captures the essence of Boca Raton’s charming lifestyle. Stroll along the cobblestone streets, browse through unique boutiques, admire the public art installations, and savor delicious cuisine at the al fresco restaurants.

9. Elevate Your Stay at Boca Raton’s Finest Hotels

Boca Raton offers a range of luxurious hotels that provide exceptional accommodations and impeccable service. From the opulent Boca Raton Resort & Club to the chic The Addison, there’s a hotel that suits every preference. Immerse yourself in the lap of luxury, savor the breathtaking views, and enjoy the amenities that define a memorable stay.

Closing Remarks

Boca Raton is a tapestry of coastal elegance, cultural attractions, and year-round sunshine. In April 2024, the city unveils its finest offerings, inviting visitors to experience the vibrant Boca Raton Concours d’Elegance, savor the arts at the Boca Museum of Art, embrace nature at Gumbo Limbo Nature Center, and indulge in the culinary delights that define this coastal paradise. Whether you’re a history buff, art enthusiast, nature lover, or simply seeking relaxation, Boca Raton has something to enchant and captivate every soul. Immerse yourself in the unique allure of Boca Raton and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Best Months to Visit: April, May, and October offer the most pleasant weather, while summer months can be hot and humid.

Nearby Transportation: Boca Raton is easily accessible by air through Palm Beach International Airport (PBI) and by car via Interstate 95.

Local Food: Boca Raton is known for its diverse culinary scene, offering a range of cuisines, including seafood, Italian, and American fare.

Best Hotels: Boca Raton Resort & Club, The Addison, and The Ritz-Carlton Boca Raton.


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