The First Step Toward Long-Term Health Begins at Glades Medical Group

Discover Exceptional Care and Service from These Primary Care Doctors in Florida

Do you remember getting sick when you were younger? One day, you wake up, get dressed, and head off to school. You notice that your nose is stuffy. Within a few hours, your throat gets sore, and you start to feel a little off. Before you know it, you’ve got a full-blown cold. If you were like most children, your parents weren’t perfect – but when the sniffles developed into something a little more worrisome, they knew that a trip to the family doctor would be warranted.

As adults, we need primary care doctors in Florida, too – after all, most of our parents aren’t around anymore. We’ve got to rely on ourselves to keep up with our health and the health of our families.

Primary care refers to regular healthcare services that focus on disease prevention, wellness, and health promotion. Usually, individuals who are in good health do not require frequent visits to a primary care provider. However, with annual physicals and preventative care exams, people can lower their chances of developing chronic or catastrophic health issues. These health issues can be expensive and complicated to treat, requiring hospital care and prolonged recovery, and may even lead to permanent disabilities.

Apart from making healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol, getting regular health screenings is crucial in maintaining good health. Timely and appropriate screening can detect diseases early when treatment is often most effective or lifesaving.

When you need personalized, professional primary care for you and your family, look no further than Glades Medical Group.


Why Should You See a Primary Care Medical Doctor?

A primary care doctor can be the main healthcare provider for your everyday health needs. They can offer various preventive care services and be a reliable source of medical assistance. Whether you need flu testing for your child or COVID-19 testing if you think you're sick, a primary care doctor can be your go-to medical person. By having a single point of contact for most of your healthcare needs, you can enjoy the convenience and benefits of a consistent and personalized medical care experience – especially at Glade Medical Group.


Here are just a few of the biggest reasons you should visit a family medicine doctor regularly.

What is preventative care, you might be asking? This type of care comprises all the steps you take to stay healthy and avoid getting sick. In other words, it can help prevent you from contracting diseases, illnesses, and other health maladies. By seeing primary care doctors in Florida, it’s easier to spot and remedy health issues that might be overlooked otherwise.

In fact, according to a study conducted over a period of 10 years, primary care can have a significant impact on life expectancy. The research was led by professionals at Stanford University School of Medicine and Harvard Medical School, who found that individuals with greater access to primary care were likely to live longer.

Important preventative care services to consider include:

  • Yearly Checkups for Kids & Adults
  • Childhood and Adult Vaccines, Boosters, and Flu Shots
  • Screenings for Prostate Cancer in Men
  • Screenings for Cervical Cancer in Women
  • Testing for High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Etc.

Seeing a primary care physician regularly can also help you manage long-term conditions, like diabetes, more effectively and efficiently. How? Recurring checkups help doctors monitor the conditions you’re living. If new problems arise with your condition, you’ll have the benefit of spotting them early and may be able to avoid serious complications or visits to the hospital.

Preventive care is an essential aspect of maintaining good health and reducing healthcare costs. Many insurance policies often cover preventive care services with no copay. Regular visits to your primary care doctor for physicals, screenings, and immunizations can help prevent costly healthcare expenses later on. However, despite the benefits of preventive care, studies show that Americans are only getting about half of the preventive care they should be receiving. In addition to better health, having a primary care physician can also lead to a 33% reduction in healthcare costs.

To illustrate, your primary care doctor may recommend a diabetes screening starting around the age of 40, depending on your overall health and risk factors. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when blood sugar levels are too high, which can cause damage to blood vessels and organs and lead to other serious health conditions.

A diabetes screening can detect prediabetes or diabetes before symptoms appear, making it easier to manage with lifestyle changes instead of expensive medications. This can also lower the risk of complications that may increase insurance premiums and lead to high out-of-pocket healthcare costs.

Many people do not feel comfortable discussing their healthcare needs and concerns with strangers. That’s normal. The first step toward eliminating that discomfort is to find a trustworthy team of primary care doctors in Florida who can help manage your health. Once you find a family doctor, it’s important to schedule regular appointments to discuss any concerns and to monitor your overall health.

According to research conducted by the Journal of Health Affairs, patients who have primary care doctors report higher levels of satisfaction than those who do not. The more frequently you visit your trusted doctor, the stronger the relationship you will have with them, and the better your care will be.

Having a primary care doctor means having a health expert who not only cares for you but also advocates for your overall health. The relationship you build with your primary care doctor can be incredibly valuable in multiple ways. The more your doctor knows about you and understands your health history, the better they can care for you and provide guidance for your long-term health. It can also help you feel more comfortable sharing personal information and asking questions.

When it comes to asking your primary care physician, there are no limits. You can ask anything, and you should never feel embarrassed to do so. Your doctor's job is to help you stay healthy, and they have likely heard similar questions from other patients before.

Another benefit of having a primary care physician is that you won't have to start from scratch every time you see a new doctor. Your primary care physician is already familiar with your health history, so you won't have to explain everything repeatedly at every appointment.

Primary care doctors can help you save time by addressing multiple health needs in a single appointment. They can provide you with a checkup, screening, and necessary immunizations on the same day. You can also take advantage of their extensive knowledge and ask about other health-related questions you have. In some cases, you may be able to receive treatment on the same day without scheduling another appointment.

Services Provided by Glade Medical Group’s Primary Care Doctors in Florida

At Glade Medical Group, our goal is to provide patients with a range of medical services that address common health concerns and help them stay in optimal health. As a primary care group, we strive to offer personalized medical services. When you book an appointment with an internal medicine doctor from our group, you can rest easy knowing your care will be tailored to your body and your needs – not someone who matches your age or weight.

Keep reading to learn more about the most popular services we provide at Glade Medical Group.

Preventative Care

Many people only visit a doctor when they're unwell or require medical treatment for a specific condition. The goal of preventative care is to help you maintain your health year-round. It involves regular checkups to identify potential health issues before they become severe. Preventive care is vital in preventing serious illnesses from developing, but unfortunately, it's not as widely embraced as it should be. A study from 2018 published in Health Affairs found that only 8% of adults aged 35 or older in the US receive the recommended preventive care.

Glade Medical Group provides a number of preventative care services, including Covid shots, flu testing, and vaccines such as:

  • Hypertension
  • Pulmonary Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Pain
  • Neurological Problems
  • Much More

Chronic Disease Management

It's important to prioritize your health, as it affects every aspect of your life. Disease Management can help alleviate the symptoms of existing health conditions and lower the risk of developing new ones by optimizing your overall health. Our team of healthcare professionals are experts in providing comprehensive health assessments and conducting necessary tests to identify any potential health concerns. They'll work with you to develop a plan to address any immediate or ongoing medical issues, while also keeping an eye out for any potential health risks or concerns.

Some of the chronic diseases we help treat include:

  • Hypertension
  • Pulmonary Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Pain
  • Neurological Problems
  • Much More

If you’re suffering from a chronic disease that needs to be treated, contact our office today to set up an initial appointment.

Chronic Disease Management
Same Day Lab Results

Same Day Lab Results

Our facility has a CLIA-certified laboratory on-site that offers comprehensive diagnostic services for our patients. In case an insurance provider requires the labs to be sent elsewhere for testing, our lab staff can collect the urine specimens or draw blood and send them to the appropriate lab on the same day. We recently upgraded to new state-of-the-art equipment, which has significantly improved our services. Patients can expect to receive their lab results within one to two days, though some specialized tests may take longer.

Our lab testing includes advanced lipid and mineral testing, as well as other specialized lab work that is drawn in-house and processed at other labs.

Male Health Services

We’re living in the 21st century, and if there’s one stigma that’s been defeated, it’s that males undergo significant hormonal changes as they get older. Our family doctors will discuss these changes with you openly and will monitor you for any underlying medical conditions that may affect your life. Factors like physical strength, weight, sexual drive, job stressors, and home life can all impact our health and should be taken into account. Genetic factors are also important to consider from a medical perspective.

Some of the key areas we focus on regarding male health includes:

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Bone Density Treatment
  • Weight Gain
  • Loss of Muscle Mass
  • Insomnia and Fatigue
  • Low Testosterone
  • Prostate Health
  • Much More
Male Health Services
Female Health

Female Health

Everyone deserves a health maintenance plan that adapts to their changing needs as they grow and experience life. Teenage and college years have unique patterns and health requirements. Working women and young mothers, who often juggle between work and family responsibilities, are not only concerned about their own health but also about staying healthy for their loved ones. It's important to have a plan that addresses all these needs and helps maintain good health for all stages of life. That’s where our female health services come in.

At Glade Medical Group, we prioritize your overall well-being by utilizing advanced medical knowledge and coordinating with other healthcare experts when needed. Some of the most common female health areas we focus on include:

  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Libido Loss
  • Adrenal Health
  • Bone Density Treatment
  • Bladder Control
  • Insomnia
  • Thyroid Testing
  • Perimenopause
  • Menopause

Aging Management

Anti-aging medicine is a proactive and preventative approach that aims to preserve your optimum function and quality of life. We achieve this by conducting thorough consultations, lifestyle assessments, physical examinations, and diagnostic testing, including genetic testing when necessary. This helps us create a personalized and proactive treatment plan designed to combat the degenerative changes that accelerate the aging process.

Anti-aging treatment plans from Glade Medical Group may include the following:

  • Hormone Balancing
  • Exercise as Therapy
  • Nutrition as Therapy
  • Medications as Necessary
  • Lifestyle Tools

Our key treatment services include the HCG Weight Loss Program, BioMeridian Assessment, a review of your Brain Health, and a Cardiology Risk Assessment. We also offer a wide range of supplements that can help slow the aging process.

Aging Management
Annual Physicals

Annual Physicals

Whether your child is playing sports or you’re an adult in need of a thorough checkup, having an annual physical is an important part of keeping up with your health. Glade Medical Group offers physicals for school, sports, camp, college, and other needs. Patients choose our family medical practice for physicals for many reasons, including:

  • No Appointments Needed
  • Open Five days a Week with Extended Hours
  • Our Primary Care Group Maintains Required Florida Forms
  • Most Health Insurance Accepted
  • Cost-Conscious Private Pay Rates

Compassionate Care and Exceptional Service from Primary Care Doctors in Florida

Whether you’re sick right now or you want to prevent yourself from getting sick in the future, Glade Medical Group’s primary care services have you covered. Unlike some primary care providers, we take as much time as needed to get to know you, your family, and the health challenges you’re facing. To us, you’re much more than a number on a sign-in sheet or a name on an insurance form. You’re a human in need of exceptional care – and our goal is to provide you with that care every time you visit.

Contact our office today to make an appointment or to learn more about the benefits of choosing Glade Medical Group as your team of primary care doctors in Florida.

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